Available Data Files

Name Description Size (bytes) Date Modified/Uploaded
      1687.txt Soil Data 167,607 4/19/2024 12:02:04 PM
      2847.txt Soil Data 212,957 4/19/2024 12:02:05 PM
      2868.txt Soil Data 119,100 4/19/2024 12:02:06 PM
      3015.txt Soil Data 120,112 4/19/2024 12:02:06 PM
      3064.txt Soil Data 120,433 4/19/2024 12:02:07 PM
      3285.txt Soil Data 169,314 4/19/2024 12:02:07 PM
      3317.txt Soil Data 254,261 4/19/2024 12:02:08 PM
      3343.txt Soil Data 264,506 4/19/2024 12:02:09 PM
      3350.txt Soil Data 215,041 4/19/2024 12:02:10 PM
      3368.txt Soil Data 215,082 4/19/2024 12:02:11 PM
      CombinedStorage.csv Lakes Buchanan & Travis Combined Storage 46 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM
      eto.txt ETO Summary 293,346 4/19/2024 1:05:02 AM
      Humidity.csv Humidity CSV 3,454 4/19/2024 12:46:02 PM
      LakeLevel.csv Lake Level CSV 408 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      LakeLevelsRR.csv 584 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM
      mediacs.txt Lakes Buchanan & Travis Combined Storage 67 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      mediaFivedayrain.txt 5-day Rainfall Summary 39,074 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      mediaFivedayraincoa.txt 5-day Rainfall COA Summary 12,541 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      mediahm.txt Humidity Summary 8,517 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      medialk.txt Highland Lakes Summary 197 4/19/2024 12:46:00 PM
      mediarn.txt Rainfall Summary 23,502 4/19/2024 12:46:00 PM
      mediarncoa.txt Rainfall Summary COA 7,395 4/19/2024 12:46:00 PM
      mediatp.txt Temperature Summary 27,849 4/19/2024 12:46:00 PM
      Rain5Day.csv 5-day Rainfall CSV 16,963 4/19/2024 12:46:02 PM
      Rain5DayCOA.csv 5-day Rainfall COA CSV 5,956 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM
      Rainfall.csv Rainfall CSV 16,721 4/19/2024 12:46:02 PM
      RainfallCOA.csv Rainfall COA CSV 5,507 4/19/2024 12:46:02 PM
      RainMonthYear.csv Rainfall Month Year 23,247 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM
      RainMonthYear.txt 41,266 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      rq30.csv 7,068 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM
      Temperature.csv Temperature CSV 12,768 4/19/2024 12:46:01 PM
      WaterTemp.csv 1,596 4/19/2024 12:46:03 PM

General Info: Most reports are updated every 15 minutes, shortly after the top of the hour. Data is gathered from remote sites every 15 minutes (in a process that takes less than 5 minutes starting 5 minutes before the top of the hour). Adding a little time delay to allow for clock drift between computers therefore sets the best times to retrieve these reports at: 2 minutes, 17 minutes, 32 minutes, and 47 minutes after the top of the hour. Note that a few of the sites only report once per hour, since their data is retrieved via GOES satellite.

*COA = City of Austin data

Data is also available as a web data service in XML format

Disclaimer: LCRA provides the information contained on this Web site as a courtesy and service to its customers. LCRA tries to provide accurate data according to the resources available. All "real-time" data available on LCRA’s Web site is provisional data. It has not been reviewed or edited and is subject to change.

As such, LCRA does not warrant or guarantee that the information provided on this site, or any other site to which it is linked, is complete, accurate or current. LCRA shall not be liable under any legal theory, including contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), warranty, indemnity and contribution theories, for any deficiency in the information accessible on or through this site, including without limitation inaccuracy, untimeliness, errors and omissions.
